Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Forest Damage and Its Problems

The process of degradation of forest resources for more or less within a period of 20 years can not be separated from issues related to forest management systems that are not transparent, not follow the principles of sustainable forest management, did not heed the principles of justice and not be able to develop the economy of the people especially they are highly dependent lives with the forest resources. Damage to forest resources has an impact large enough and covers aspects of environmental, economic, institutional, and political science primarily related to accessibility to forest resources.

Forest damage level showed that the speed of forest destruction is estimated at 1.5 million hectares per year. When compared with current conditions, this reality show that reforestation efforts and forest and land rehabilitation has been done will be unable to restore the damaged forest. If this continues to leave the future of Indonesia's forests will become uncertain and this will lead to the disruption of economic systems primarily related to the forestry industry, balance and environmental damage, there are growing demands of international commitments as well as disruption of social systems and in communities around in forest.

In view of the impact and responsibility of government and the people of Indonesia to the availability of forest resources, the forest rehabilitation efforts should naturally be able to answer the problems and challenges mentioned above. Thus, forest and land rehabilitation approach is comprehensive, site-specific operations, involving all stakeholders, able to empower the community through the principle of people's economic empowerment, ensuring environmental and hydrological balance of watersheds and create a system of accountability to the public interest.

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